2012 winners
The complete list of Best in Biz Awards 2012 winners was announced on November 14, 2012. For a full list of winners by category type, see below:
Our winners by category are as follows:
Company categories winners
Gold and multiple company categories winners include:
- Achievers
- Billtrust
- e-Cycle
- CloudOn
- Direct Edge
- Emanate
- Epicor
- KSpin Designs
- Leap Motion
- Legend3D
- SanDisk
- Stroll
- StubHub
- Unified Payments
Department/team categories winners
Gold and multiple department/team categories winners include:
- Achievers
- Bankrate
- Bill.com
- Clinical Research Advantage
- Covario
- Grossman Group
- Medtech College
- Nutricap Labs
- Safelite
Executive categories winners
Gold and multiple executive categories winners include:
- BlackLine Systems
- dotloop
- Hilton Hotels & Resorts
- National Association of Realtors
- Nuticap Labs
- PGi
- Quality Systems
- Richardson
- Tax Resolution Services
- TLK Fusion
- VerticalResponse
Product categories winners
Gold and multiple product categories winners include:
- 1-800-Flowers
- Boyd Gaming
- Citrix
- Constant Contact
- Dell
- EMN8
- Epson America
- Infinite Z
- SynCardia Systems
- Symantec
- Serena Software
- Netwatch
- Serena Software
- Symantec
- SynCardia Systems